Date: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2017
Venue: Geelong Hockey Centre, Stead Park, John Street, Corio, Geelong
Team Entry Fee: $200 per team (payable on day unless paid prior)
Team Entries Close: October 21, 2017
Player age: Players must be aged under 13 or under 15 at January 1, 2017 to be eligible.
Maximum of 8 teams per age group — 1 entry per Club/Assn per age group. Clubs/Assn may nominate extra teams in an age group, however these entries may only be accepted if that age group is not full.

This is a Mixed, 11-aside carnival; therefore all teams must have at least 4 girls on field at all times. There is no maximum limit of the number of girls. U15 Teams may use U13 players if draw permits.

Geelong Hockey rego form

The playing rules of FIH 2017 will apply unless altered by any of these rules.
• Tomahawk shots are permitted in both U13 and U1S grades.
• No playing, or attempting to play, the ball above the shoulder in either grade.
• Short corners or penalty strokes awarded on, or immediately prior to, the siren will not be played out.
• All teams must have a minimum of 4 girls on the field at all times; there is no maximum number of girls allowed.
• Game time will not stop for injury or any other reason. First Aiders will be in attendance.
• The first named team (HOME TEAM) to use the Dugout to the left of the field, must provide the match ball and shall start with the ball.
• Penalties: Green Card — 1 min; Yellow Card — 3 min
• Only runners or turf shoes allowed (no footy boots with steel cleats).
• Games will be 14-mins (no half-time), with 1 minute changeover between games. Games will start at the fixtured time; teams not ready will forfeit game time. Game times may be adjusted subject to team entries. If this occurs, clubs will be advised prior.
• All teams will play each other in their Age grade once. Scoring: Win: 3 points; Draw: 1 point; Loss: no points.

• Umpires will be provided for all games. If you have any umpires wanting feedback please let the Carnival Co-ordinator know ASAP. Please note: Umpire Assessments cannot be conducted at this event.
• All players must be registered with a club/association affiliated with Hockey Victoria and play only for their nominated team, unless special circumstances prevail and approval is granted by the Carnival Co-ordinator or their appointed official.
• Overall Grade Winners: In each age grade, the team leading on points at the conclusion of all matches shall be deemed the Carnival winner and win the Prize Money of $250; no Grand Final match will be played. If two or more teams lead on equal points, then the winner will be decided by the following order:
1. Team with greatest goal difference — if still tied on equal points, then
2. Most goals for;
3. Least goals against;
4. The winner of the match/es between the teams.
If, after the above, there is still no outright winner, both teams shall be declared joint Carnival winners, and share the prize money.

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